Welcome to
Sacramento's Leading
Republican Club!
Members of Republicans of River City
has submitted to the California Republican Party a draft
platform to be consider at the fall 2015 convention for
Our changes to platform committee
and delegates are note below in RED
We appreciate
your support of the California Republican Party and our efforts
in building a better platform and we invite you to review our recommendations to help the
delegates make a wise decision at the convention for future
generation of California citizens.
Please feel free to contact me so that we
might answer your questions and serve you better.
Carl Burton, President
Republican Party Platform
The California Republican Party
envisions a vibrant, prosperous and safe California defined by a
robust and growing world-class economy, strong and healthy families,
and reformed and responsive state and local governments that serve
all people while protecting individual liberty. We are boldly
confident about California’s future and hold dearly all that is good
about California’s people.
are committed to protecting the lives and resources of aging
Californians who have retired, or are close to retirement, should be
free from worry that the resources they have built through their own
work will be siphoned off by inflation or government action. We
support laws that would prevent state or local governments from
increasing property taxes on personal residences after owners reach
65. We oppose state taxes on Social Security income.
The California Republican Party is committed to
promoting the opportunity for aging citizens to enjoy their
retirement with the means they have accumulated throughout their
working lives.
Agriculture, California’s leading industry, exemplifies the free
market at work.
The California Republican Party recognizes that
agriculture is one of California's leading industries and is
essential to the future of California’s economy and the health and
well-being of its citizens.
Government should create a favorable policy
environment that supports California’s farmers and ranchers,
maximizing their ability to receive the reward for the risks they
take year after year, while strengthening their ability to provide
quality products at reasonable costs to consumers. California’s
approach, rather, has been beset by over-regulation, environmental
extremism, and restricted access to water, the agricultural sector’s
The California Republican
Party believes that respect for the law is the cornerstone of a
free, fair and well-ordered society.
The California Republican Party
believes one of the most fundamental duties of government is to
enhance public safety and welfare by crafting and enforcing laws in
a fair, just, and efficient manner.
California Republicans believe Peace
Officers deserve our thanks for our public safety while fighting
crimes in our communities.
believe the state, not the federal government, should govern and
dictate criminal statutes and protect Californians’ quality of life.
California Republican Party believes that the rights of crime
victims are paramount in a just criminal process. We support the
rights of crime victims to give statements and be heard by the
court, to collect restitution from defendants as enumerated by law,
and to be given notification upon release of prisoners.
California Republican Party has backed legislation such as “Three
Strikes and You’re Out,” “One Strike and You’re Out,” “10-20-Life,”
“Jessica’s Law,” “Sexually Violent Predators Law,” and “Juvenile
(Gang) Crime Initiative.” These laws have kept the most dangerous
and recidivist criminals off our streets and in prisons where they
support the section of the California Penal Code that states that
the primary purpose of incarceration is punishment; therefore,
prisoners should not be allowed gratuitous perks, such as those
outlined in the “Prisoners’ Bill of Rights.” We support prisoner
work programs that help prisons become self-supporting.
believe that in order to keep dangerous criminals off our streets,
we must build more prisons. We support the immediate construction
of new prisons and sufficient utilization of private prisons in
order to eliminate prison overcrowding and avoid early release.
support the death penalty as the only effective deterrent for
“special circumstances” murders. These are murders so heinous and
depraved that the only just punishment is death. Special
circumstances include murdering for financial gain; multiple
murders; murder with the use of a bomb; murdering a peace officer,
witness, judge, prosecutor, or juror; murder while lying in wait;
murder during kidnapping, torture, or sexual assault; and murder to
enhance gang activity.
In the
larger War on Terror, the California Republican Party supports the
criminalization of activities that advocate acts of terrorism,
violent conduct, or the killing of innocent people. We support the
death penalty for anyone convicted of carrying out a terrorist
attack on the United States.
For the safety of our cities and
neighborhoods, Republicans believe that criminals that have been
deported must remain deported and we are opposed to sanctuary
communities in California.
California Republican Party decries the early release of prisoners
who have been sentenced under the law. Citizens have the right to
expect the state and the judiciary to protect them from criminals
who impugn their core freedoms and prey on their ability to live
safe and secure lives.
Republicans believe
every child in California is entitled to a
first-class education.
Education is the great leveler in American society.
It provides the opportunity for any child to rise based on hard work
and achievement.
Unfortunately, this leveling effect is lost as California's schools
deteriorate due to domination by union bosses, which contribute to
the degradation of the curriculum and the marginalization of
involvement by parents. Republicans
We support all reasonable measures to strengthen academic
standards and maximize the influence and involvement of parents in
the schools.
Republicans We
support an education system that ensures access and opportunity for
all children, blind to the color of their skin,
disability, the circumstances
of their neighborhood, or the socio-economic background of their
believe that parents will make better choices than government in
almost every case. Consequently, we support school choice programs,
school voucher programs, magnet schools, charter schools,
homeschooling, educational savings accounts, and the right of
parents to abolish bi-lingual education in their school district, if
they so choose. We support the abolition of all regulatory barriers
that prevent parents from exercising these options.
The top priority of our schools should be learning
basic competencies, not social engineering. We support metrics such
as exit exams to evaluate basic competency. We call for local
schools to be controlled by parents and local school boards. We
oppose the current domination of schools by the union bosses to the
detriment of parents, students, and teachers. We support the
Superior Court decision in Vergara v. California.
Schools cannot function unless they are safe.
Besides providing a rigorous course of study, safety in schools at
all grade levels should be the highest priority.
Admission to all schools and programs should be based
solely on merit.
English is the official language
of the State of California and The California Republican Party
believes all election ballots and other government documents should
be printed in English only.
Republicans believe that knowledge of
English creates greater economic opportunities, as most non-English
speakers remain in low-skilled, low-paying jobs.
Republicans believe that all citizens
should be required to learn English because knowledge of English
language will increase their participation in democratic process.
The California Republican Party believes in long-term responsible
stewardship of California's bountiful natural resources for future
Protection and stewardship of the
American environment began
under a Republican President
Abraham Lincoln when he created Yosemite Park and
our Republican
conservative values align with the goal of conservation:
safeguarding the natural resources on
to which our health and economy depend.
California Republicans
support our park system and its importance to maintain for future
recognizing that environmental protection and economic growth are
not mutually exclusive, we will hold our State government
accountable for common sense and sustainable environmental
regulations that both protect and allow for prosperity.
Republicans We support
environmental policies based upon sound science that encourage
innovation and application of new technologies through market based
incentives whenever possible instead of regulation, taxation and
litigation. Environmental regulations must be considered in light
of the effects that they will have on workers and on the economy.
believe that the United Nations approach has been fundamentally
flawed because it enables increasing emissions from the largest
sources of greenhouse gasses in the world. To be truly fair
and effective, we believe that any solution to greenhouse gas
emissions should involve equal incentives applied worldwide and
should contain provisions to protect our farms and businesses from
unfair competition by countries that do not follow suit.
We believe California industry should lead the world in
developing and manufacturing safe, renewable and sustainable
energy. We encourage the development of these new technologies and
systems for use in the domestic market, as well as for export.
Republicans We
believe that entrepreneurs – using technology, innovation and
incentives – are more likely to solve environmental problems than
The California Republican
We support
the creation of tax credits for homeowners and builders who
incorporate clean energy technology alternative energy systems into their homes.
The California Republican
Party believes
dependence on foreign energy threatens
both our national security and economic prosperity. Through private
initiative and enterprise, we stand for the development of energy
that is independent from foreign sources.
We favor clear environmental laws with consistent,
straightforward interpretation and the elimination of third party
lawsuits by claimants without direct legal standing.
We believe that public service is a trust—one of the highest
callings to which any man or woman may aspire.
Ethics in
service to one’s fellow citizens goes beyond the letter of the law.
The California Republican Party calls on its elected and appointed
officials always to serve others, always to demonstrate the highest
standards of morality and honesty, and never to use their offices
for personal gain. Republican officeholders should give their
utmost effort to improve our society and to inspire others to
The California Republican Party affirms the family as the natural
and indispensable institution for human development.
A strong
and healthy family unit is the heart of the home—a safe surrounding
where family decisions are made, children are raised, and morality
is taught. The family is a foundation on which American society has
grown and prospered for over 200 years.
Republicans We support
the two-parent family as the best environment for raising children.
and therefore believe that it is important to define marriage as
a union between one man and one woman. We believe public policy and
education should not be exploited to present or teach homosexuality
as an acceptable "alternative" lifestyle.
The California Republican Party
We believes that local or state governments should resolve
political matters unless the United States Constitution expressly
reserves such matters for the federal government.
The federal government has
repeatedly violated the Tenth Amendment of the United States
Constitution by encroaching on rights that are reserved and
delegated to the states and to the people. The California
Republican Party firmly believes that the best governments are those
most accountable to the people. We heed Thomas Jefferson's warning:
"When all government, in little as in great things, shall be drawn
to Washington as the center of all power, it will render powerless
the checks provided of one government on another."
Non-essential federal
functions should be returned to the states and localities wherever
possible. It is the governments closest to the people that have the
capability, knowledge, and sensitivity to local needs to effectively
administer and deliver public services. Local jurisdictions’
diverse problems require local understanding. We must recognize the
unique abilities of local government and the inherent limitations of
a distant federal government; accordingly, we support the transfer
of rights, responsibilities, and revenues to local jurisdictions.
The California Republican
Party respects each person’s individual conscience and is a strong
proponent of religious liberty for all.
We believe the Constitution is wise to guard against the
establishment of a state-sponsored religion, while simultaneously
honoring the free exercise of religion.
Republican Party is the historical party of
freedom and
equal opportunity.
The Republican Party championed racial and gender
equality against strong opposition.
The Republican Party is the party of equal
opportunity. It is the Republican Party that abolished slavery and
stands for the right of all persons to succeed based on merit rather
than non-merit based considerations. We oppose quotas, set asides,
or guaranteed equality of results.
Republicans We support laws prohibiting
discrimination in employment and housing based on race, ethnicity,
nationality, sex, or religion.
Republicans We oppose any special rights based
on sexual or behavioral preferences.
The California Republican Party
supports an open and transparent government that is accessible to
all people that it represents.
Federal, state and local government
bodies should make available all legislative, budget & spending
documents in an easily searchable online database. We believe that
all government bodies should publicly broadcast their meetings by
means of television or internet streaming and provide ample time for
public input in their decision making process.
We support a transparent legislative process that would require
legislation to be in print and available for public review at least
72 hours prior to any action being taken on the item.
The California Republican Party believes in the power
of free markets and enterprise to create jobs.
Republicans believe that job creators must be allowed
to thrive without the burden of excessive, expensive, and
unnecessary regulation.
Republicans believe California's cumbersome tax code
discourages growth and leads to job creators moving to other states
or overseas for more favorable business environments.
Republicans support a tax code that does not penalize
success; a code that promotes economic growth and jobs.
Republicans believe in free choice for workers in
deciding whether or not to join a union. We believe in a workers’
right that will prohibit the automatic deduction from workers’
paychecks funds used for political purposes. We support legislation
that creates a level playing field for workers and business
We believe that free enterprise, not government
regulation, is the key to creating jobs for all Californians.
and free enterprise are fundamental to the American way of life;
indeed, they are the backbone of our nation. Economic freedom leads
to opportunity, opportunity leads to growth, and growth leads to
progress. This is the story of America.
growth depends on individual liberty, and it enables all citizens to
maximize the opportunity to retain the rewards of their labor.
Californians are some of the hardest-working and most
entrepreneurial people in the world. We have seen disruptive
technologies and business models such as ride sharing, short-term
rentals, and intra-city mass transit improve the lives of California
citizens. These path-breaking companies have made many California
communities better places to live and visit. We believe that the
government must support an environment in which jobs can be created,
even as new technologies challenge the status quo and alter the way
people live and work.
We believe
that people make better decisions than does government, and the free
market embodies this principle. The government’s role is to ensure
that markets are free and that there is genuine competition.
Government should protect our citizens from international cartels
and piracy of their intellectual property. We support right-to-work
laws and reject mandatory closed union shops where workers are
forced to join unions against their will. We also reject union
workers being forced to make political contributions to candidates
or causes that they oppose.
California's businesses to grow, thrive, and create wealth, a
first-class physical infrastructure is necessary. We support
investment in California’s transportation infrastructure through
“pay as you go” financing that utilizes existing revenue sources for
their intended purpose. We oppose bonded indebtedness or the use of
other revenues to fund high-speed rail.
California Republican Party believes that the United States health
care system delivers the finest medical care in the world. We
support the concept of freedom of choice in health care.
We oppose
government-mandated health care plans that restrict freedom of
choice, and we oppose the bureaucratic restrictions of single-payer
plans. Republicans
We support restructuring Medicaid to restrict elective,
medically-unnecessary surgeries while increasing the compensation to
doctors and hospitals for necessary surgeries and other treatments.
Republicans We
also oppose any universal healthcare plan for California that
involves taxes on doctors or hospitals, coverage for illegal aliens,
or tax subsides. Republicans
we support private sector solutions such as small business
insurance pools, employment pricing reductions, guaranteed
insurability, and medical savings accounts.
Republicans encourage and support the private and
charitable sectors roles in assisting the elderly with long-term
health care needs.
history is a story of immigrants.
The California Republican Party welcomes and values each and every
legal immigrant.
We are proud that after 400 years, America continues to
symbolize hope and promise to people from around the world.
Immigrants have helped to make our great nation greater still.
We affirm our country’s absolute right to control its
We support legal immigration and the immigration laws
currently in effect, and we call on the government to enforce all
such laws. To take any other position would be a great injustice to
those who have complied with the system of legal immigration and
would expose California’s legal residents to national security
Once one enters the United States as a legal
immigrant and desires to become a citizen, one should work actively
to become American. Republicans
We believe this country should grant citizenship only to
those who embrace American values and culture. New immigrants
should be required to learn English, and businesses should be able
to require employees to speak the English language while on the
should be the official language of government. All election ballots
and other government documents should be printed in English only.
Government should offer intensive English language instruction to
all who need it and offer stipends to help make possible attendance.
California should work with the federal government to
institute a worker visa program that will make it easy for people to
work legally in the United States. Allowing illegal immigrants to
remain in California undermines respect for the law.
To join a worker visa program, workers must apply
from their own country so that they arrive in the United States with
a visa and a job in hand. As part of the application process, we
believe each worker should take an oath to obey American law and
understand that criminal activity will result in deportation.
For this
worker visa program, each worker would receive a tamper-proof
identification card with biometrics to allow the government to track
him. This card should include a real-time verification system so
that an individual’s immigration status can be immediately
The California Republican Party supports heavy monetary fines for
employers and businesses that knowingly hire illegal immigrants.
We encourage the cross-deputation of state and county
law enforcement personnel so that illegal aliens who are also
criminals can be deported immediately upon completion of their
sentences. We call on the Federal Government to reimburse
California for the costs of federally-mandated immigration programs
and federally-mandated benefits to illegal aliens. Finally, we
support the termination of all federal and state benefits to illegal
aliens other than emergency medical care.
Justice is
an American virtue. To make justice available to every person,
Republicans we support
legal innovations such as arbitration, mediation, and reasonable
limitations on unnecessary discovery and motion practice.
Individuals and businesses alike are besieged by
baseless and overly burdensome litigation. To ensure the
availability of quality health care, we support reasonable
limitations on general damages awards (e.g., as contained in the
bipartisan “Malpractice Insurance Crisis Reform Act”). We favor
reasonable and consistent standards for punitive damages awards,
which should only be available for intentional, egregious
California Republican Party stands for a strong national defense.
The first duty of government is to provide for the
common defense. The California Republican Party asserts that it is
imperative that United States
we retain our military superiority in order to deter
any potential adversary. Yet, we affirm that our military forces
exist to deter our enemies and not to initiate war.
The California Republican Party believe
we should never allow our troops to be put under
foreign command nor committed to a foreign conflict unless U.S.
national interests are directly at stake and there is a clear
military goal and a firm exit strategy.
we recognize the rise in international terrorism against western
democracies and understand that no country can successfully combat
it alone. We believe in supporting our allies and in defeating
international terrorists and those who support them, wherever they
hide. We object to a "surrender first" policy or unilateral
We believe that compensation for our troops
and their families
should be fair, and we support a state
and federal income tax
exemption while our troops are on active duty.
The California Republican
Party We acknowledge
that Proposition 13 has saved residential and commercial property
owners hundreds of billions of dollars since it was approved. It
provides a uniform one percent property tax rate that provides
stability for homeowners and small business owners alike.
Proposition 13 remains popular today because it allows citizens to
exercise control over a government that should be limited and
responsible with the people's money. Its two-thirds vote for tax
increases ensures fiscal responsibility on all levels of
governments. All citizens, including homeowners, business owners,
renters, as well as local governments, benefit from Proposition 13's
tax stability.
stand for the principle that condemnation and government restriction
on private property must only occur for public use.
One of the purest forms of tyranny is government
confiscation of its citizens’ private property. We reject
condemnation or government restrictions on property without full
compensation for such condemnations or restrictions. We reject
government condemnation of private property for non-public use.
We further support local land use decision making, with as
much opportunity for public input and comment as possible, instead
of regional planning efforts, such as United Nations’ Agenda 21 and
Plan Bay Area, that impose state and regional mandates on local
government and private property owners.
The United
States Constitution guarantees the right of its citizenry to keep
and bear arms.
One of the first acts of a totalitarian regime is to
disarm its people. California's gun control laws only serve to
disarm law-abiding citizens, not criminals. We oppose any further
gun control legislation and support the right of all California
citizens to own and bear guns and ammunition for any lawful
purpose. We call for statewide legislation setting reasonable
criteria allowing law-abiding citizens to carry concealed weapons.
We support an individual’s right to use deadly force to protect
lives and property. We also propose amending California’s
constitution to reflect all of these rights.
Finally, we call for the elimination of waiting
periods to purchase firearms and instead support complete
implementation of instant background checks.
The California Republican Party is the party that protects
innocent life because we believe life begins at conception and ends
at natural death.
We support laws that protect unborn children from partial
birth, sex selection, and tax-payer funded abortions, and abortions
performed as a form of birth control or on minor girls without their
parents’ notification and consent.
believe that the question of abortion is a matter that should be
left to the people through their elected representatives, not
usurped by the United States Supreme Court. Accordingly, we
encourage the reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision.
We support adoption as an alternative to abortion and call on
lawmakers to reduce the bureaucratic burden placed on adoptive
As a part
of respecting the sanctity of life for disabled persons, we oppose
efforts to legalize assisted suicide or euthanasia.
support a comprehensive ban on all human cloning.
California Republican Party supports ethical stem cell research that
focuses on cures and does not destroy innocent human life.
California Republican Party is the party of balanced budgets,
limited government, and fiscal responsibility.
We believe that taxes in California are too high, and that
our state government spends too much. We stand for the wise
stewardship and responsible use of the people’s money.
Republicans We support
without exception and without apology a two-thirds vote requirement
for tax increases, tax increases labeled as fees, bonds, and the
state budget. We call for a constitutional ban on any bonded
indebtedness to cover general operating deficits, and we oppose
unfunded federal and state mandates. We support our Republican
legislators’ efforts to require California's government live within
its means.
We call upon our government officials to join a pledge to
stand together against any new taxes. Through expanding population
and economic strength, there already exists a mechanism to
automatically raise all of the revenue needed to properly meet
California’s needs. The problems with California’s budget stem from
lack of fiscal accountability and control. The California
Republican Party believes that the answer will never be to increase
the tax burden on Californians. We believe that Democrats have not
prioritized infrastructure investment with general operating funds,
which leads to a dangerous amount of bonded indebtedness, further
imperils our state’s financial situation, and needlessly passes
financial responsibility for current needs over to our children.
We acknowledge a responsibility to those California
citizens who cannot take care of themselves. We support reasonable
work requirements for welfare recipients who can work, and the
termination of welfare benefits for those who can work but refuse to
do so. We reject any welfare or social benefits for those who have
criminally immigrated into California.
We recognize that unfunded public employee pension
liabilities are currently the greatest threat to the financial
security of our economy and government. We support the conversion
of all public employee pension plans to 401(k)-style plans that
provide only the benefits that have been funded by the actual
contributions received.
We support the adoption of an optional single-rate
system to give taxpayers the convenience of filing their taxes with
a one-page form. We also support the abolition of the death tax.
Government is not equipped to participate, and should
not compete, in the free market. Wherever the public’s money can be
saved and the level of service increased, we call for the
privatizing services now delivered by government.
We reject the unjustified use of rhetoric like
"shared responsibility" as justification for an increase of state
government spending and wrongful expansion of the role of
government, at the expense of individual responsibility.
The California Republican Party believes we
are free because of those who have answered the call to serve.
California is home to
thousands of our American veterans, and Republicans believe veterans
and their families should be respectfully cared for with the honor
they deserve for the sacrifices they have made in defense of our
are committed to
providing programs with care and dignity that offer readjustment
information and counseling to our veterans, their families, support
for job programs, health care, housing, one-stop service centers,
and education programs to support all veterans and their families.
We are free because of those who have answered the
call to serve.
California Republican Party salutes all California veterans and we
commit to continued support for them through efforts such as, but
not limited to, transition assistance, jobs programs, housing
assistance, retirement benefits and health care. We support fair
efforts to privatize the operations of the Veteran's Administration
in order to increase efficiencies and quality of care.
California Republican Party believes that water is California’s
lifeline and additional efforts must be made to protect and increase
water supply to support a thriving economy.
Without water the bread basket of United
States, California would once again only be able a grow dry crops.
California’s population is expected to grow by more than 600,000
each year, reaching between 44 and 48 million by 2025, the state’s
water infrastructure was built 3 ½ decades ago to serve roughly
1/3rd as many people.
Amid an
extensive drought, dwindling snowpack, shrinking reservoirs,
deteriorating water quality, rising water rates, restricted water
use, and devastating economic impact, the voters approved
Proposition 1(2014), a $7.12 billion water bond to fund water supply
infrastructure projects.
California Republican Party is committed to supporting the
construction of new, above-ground water storage facilities and
desalinization plants as critical components in the plan to meet
California’s long-term water needs.
The California Republican
encourage the comprehensive and efficient management of California’s
precious water resources in order to accommodate growth in
California; to ensure that California’s communities have access to
an adequate supply of safe drinking water; and to guarantee that our
farms and businesses get the water they need even in dry years.
We oppose
additional bonded indebtedness.
California Republican Party recognizes the truth: Government is
meant to serve the people. As such, government is solemnly charged
with the responsibility to craft long-term solutions rather than
short-term fixes.
The California Republican
We pledges
to hold our government responsible for securing the safety of our
families, for expanding our world-class economy, and for promoting
fairness and justice for every Californian.
We invite you to review our site
and use it as a resource for all things Republican.
We strive to provide you with a
central location for information, education, and communication. Use
this as a starting point where you can get involved, have
interaction, and feel a sense of community with similar minded
Locate an event on our calendar,
or a link. Find something of interest to you and get involved.
Our goal is to help
YOU support
the best candidates for election to local, state and national
offices and assist elected republican officials in the execution of
their responsibilities.
Please feel free to use the
contact information listed on this website, contact me so that we
might answer your questions and serve you better.
Carl Burton, President

Ronald Wilson Reagan
February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004
President of the United States (1981–1989
Governor of California (1967–1975)
We’re Republican
because like President Reagan
• We BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the
individual and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability and
responsibility must be honored.
• We BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal
opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or
• We BELIEVE in free enterprise and encouraging
individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic
growth and prosperity.
• We BELIEVE government must practice fiscal
responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they
• We BELIEVE the proper role of government is to
provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be
performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best
government is that which governs least.
• We BELIEVE the most effective, responsible and
responsive government is government closest to the people.
• We BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that
have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet
the challenges of changing times.
• We BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our
national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and
human rights throughout the world.
• FINALLY, We believe the Republican Party is the best
vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful
principles of government.
Carl Burton, President
Republicans of River City

Abraham Lincoln
1809 - 1865
"I leave you, hoping that the lamp of
liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a
doubt that all men are created free and equal."