Welcome to
Sacramento's Leading
Republican Club!
Republicans of River City
is committed to promoting Republican ideals and principles;
recruiting and electing qualified candidates for public office;
developing a grassroots organization that will motivate the
electorate to vote; and raising the funds necessary to complete
these objectives in the greater Sacramento Region.

I am a, Army veteran and I come from a long
line of American veterans starting with the
War (1775-83). One of my great uncles was killed in 1864 at the age
of 20 fighting to free the salves from their Democrat masters.
My vote this year is dedicated to all those
veterans who didn’t make it back and to their families.
I’m asking you to join me and to Vote for a
Veteran to honor the sacrifice they made to protect our Freedoms.
Carl Burton, President
Juneteenth National Holiday
(A Republican Holiday)
Juneteenth marks the freedom of enslaved Black people in the United
States. It's also known as
Freedom Day, Emancipation Day, Black Independence Day, Liberation
Day, or Jubilee Day.
Juneteenth became a state holiday in Texas on June 7, 1979, when the
state legislature passed a bill declaring Juneteenth a state
holiday, and
the first Republican Governor since the Civil War, William Perry
Clements, Jr. signed the legislation into law. Since 2003 California
has recognized Juneteenth as a state holiday along with several
other states.
The Republican Party will always be proudly connected to Juneteenth
because of President Lincoln’s, and republicans’ leadership in
ending slavery.
President Trump called upon Congress to make Juneteenth a federal
holiday while he was in the White House. And last year (2021)
President Biden signed federal legislation making Juneteenth (June
19) a paid federal holiday.
Republicans of River City enthusiastically welcome Juneteenth as
our newest national holiday.
Republicans are mindful of the special importance Juneteenth has for
Black Americans and it's a source of pride for the Republican Party
members as it should be for every American.
Republicans of River City will continue our efforts to expand our
engagement with members of the black community because our party
remains the party of Emancipation, Freedom, and Opportunity.
This year (2022) Republicans of River City are participating in St.
Hope’s annual Juneteenth Block Party, which will take place on
Saturday, June 18th, from 4 pm – 9 pm at the 40 Acres
Complex in Oak Park.
Stop by our Republican booth and say hello. If you like to volunteer
contact Carl Burton at 916-485-5741
Note: In 2022 a California Assembly
Bill 1655,
authored by Assemblywoman Akilah Weber (D-La Mesa) and Assemblyman
Reggie Jones-Sawyer (D-Los Angeles). Under the bill, state
employees, public schools, community colleges, and all California
State Universities will be given time off with pay that day.
in 2022,
Republicans of River City will need your help to ensure a Victory
for our Republican candidates.
Covid-19 slowed down Republicans of River
City in 2021. We started 2021 by collecting signature for the recall
of Gov. Newsom. We had a booth at the Juneteenth event to celebrate
the end of Slavery in 1865. Several community events in the
Sacramento area that RRC has participate in the past were canceled
because of Covid-19.
Now we know Americans come from a long line
of people who have endured hardship, they can handle the truth and
we believe they’re fed up with Democrat and Biden lies.
President Trump proved that there are plenty
of ways to take our Republican message directly to American voters.
And RRC plans to use them in 2022.
RRC members will continue to engage
constituencies that have been told “don’t vote for Republicans.” We
will actively court Asian, Black, and Hispanic individuals, young
people, and gay voters. We will stand up for parents and senior
citizens. We support our women and men in the military, our police,
and small business owners.
Nothing will matter if our American elections
are not secure, so we must ensure election integrity in our
RRC members look forward to working with
YOU to ensure a REPUBLICAN
Carl Burton, President
P.O. Box 1776
Carmichael, CA. 95609
Earth Day
April 24, 2022, is “Earth
Day” in Sacramento County and once again RRC will have a
booth at the festival to share the environment story of Republican
Party and register voters. Information like President Lincoln
started the national park system when he signed the legislation to
sit aside the Yosemite Valley as a park in 1864. And President
Grant sign the legislation for creation of “Yellowstone” as a
national park.
June 19, 2021
We had a good time at the Sacramento Juneteenth event on Saturday,
June 19, in William Land Park.
want to thank the singers and musician who did a wonderful job; it
was over 105 degrees under our Republican canopy, so I’m sure it was
hotter on the stage.
Now we could have done without the Democrat Sacramento Mayor and
Vice Mayor's remarks from the stage. Lot of patting on their backs
about what a great job they are doing while crime and homeless is
getting worse on our streets and communities. They told us we have
energy problem, so we needed to save water and electricity while
they do neither.
California voters in 2014 approved bonds for more
water storage.
funds have been awarded yet for water storage. Like you
I am still
waiting for construction to start so we can store more water and
produce more reliable electracy. Read more about how the bond money
is being spent at:
As a Republican I know Democrats don’t solve problems - Democrats
have issues; the issue of how to better treat the perpetrators of
crime while ignoring the victims, endless meetings about how to
solve homelessness without doing anything to solve homelessness,
endless meetings about climate change (especially if it means flying
in a private jet to an exotic foreign resort hotel) effecting our
water supply, our roads being transformed for bicycle use and
ignoring the crisis on our southern border. They leave it to
Republicans to fix the problems we all face as a community and
want to thank Jeff Scott, William Chan, Curtis Splan and Robert
Evans for their help in putting up the canopy and taking it down
after the event.
want to thank Lisa and Cindy for sitting under the Republican canopy
and greeting our many visitors all day with me.
Lamar and his brother Jamar brough a new burst of energy when they
arrived at the Juneteenth event. With more people stopping by our
Republican booth to say hello.
We thank Sacramento Log Cabin members for their help at event.
We had a cutout of the great Harriet Tubman, the great abolitionist
and political activist who was born into slavery. She escaped and
subsequently rescued other enslaved people, including family and
friends, using the network of antislavery activists and safe houses
known as the Underground Railroad. A lot of people came and took
their picture with our cutout of Harriet Tubman.

We were the only vendor who had a cutout of Republican Harriet
Tubman; she is going to replace Democrat slaveholder and President
Andrew Jackson on the face of the 20 dollar bill with Jackson going
on the back of the bill.
We also had a signed copy of the Emancipation Proclamation by
Republican President Abraham Lincoln. The Juneteenth celebration
started when Texas slaves found out they were actually free on June
19, 1865 when Union Army Major General Gordon Granger issued General
Order No. 3 formally informing Texas residents that slavery had

Finally, we displayed a poster of Sojourn Truth and President
Lincoln reading a Bible given to the President by the African
Americans of Baltimore City.
The theme of our Republican booth is behind me this picture.

want to THANK YOU and other Republicans who made it possible for
members of Sacramento Log Cabin and Republicans of River City to
have a booth at the 2021 Sacramento Juneteenth Celebration.

Carl Burton, President
Republicans of River City
PS. Juneteenth is a Republican Holiday too.
CALIFONRIA Future is in Your Hands
Republicans of River City in creating a positive future for
Help us elect Republicans in your area and at the state and national
levels. Make a difference now!
Dear Republican friend,
Republicans are in a fight, and we need YOU
to join the Republican of River City!
RRC works to promote the principles and objectives of
the Republican Party, elect Republican candidates. By informing
voters through political education and activities.
Our members take part in voter registration programs,
community booths, and getting out the vote activities.
We need your membership because the strength of the
Republican Party victories comes from individuals like you.
RRC members are the base of the grassroots campaigns
in Sacramento County, and we provide vital resources that support
candidate recruitment, voter outreach, and party communication to
help our Republican nominees win elections.
We need YOU
to join our RRC Republican Team and defeat the democrats at the
polls in 2022.
Your paid membership keeps you on our mailing list.
Your dues help to pay for Republican booths at
community events and voter outreach efforts. Your membership will
help RRC in getting out the Republican voters in the presidential
election of November 2020.
RRC members are among the first to receive
information about campaign events in Sacramento County and
Republicans of River City’s annual membership dues
are still only $25.00 per year.
Carl Burton, President
P.O. Box 1776
Carmichael, CA 95609
Carl, I want to become a member of
Republicans of River City __________.
City ________________________ Zip
Occupation ____________________Phone
Regular Membership $25.00_____ Couples
Membership $40.00 _________
Signature ________________________________
Date _______________
PS. I have also enclosed a special onetime
contribution to cover the cost of booths at community events and
other voter register efforts in 2020.
$250.00____$150.00_____$100.00_______$50.00_______Other $

Remember the campaign slogan of
our first
Republican Party
Presidential candidate in 1856:
"Free speech, free press, free soil, free men, Frémont and victory!"

John C. Fremont
We haven’t change since Fremont and President
Lincoln time,
the Republican Party stills believes today in FREE MEN AND WOMEN

Abraham Lincoln
1809 - 1865
"I leave you, hoping that the lamp of
liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a
doubt that all men are created free and equal."

Ronald Wilson Reagan
February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004
President of the United States (1981–1989
Governor of California (1967–1975)
We’re Republican
because like Fremont, President Lincoln and President Reagan
• We BELIEVE the strength of our nation lies with the
individual and that each person's dignity, freedom, ability and
responsibility must be honored.
• We BELIEVE in equal rights, equal justice and equal
opportunity for all, regardless of race, creed, sex, age or
• We BELIEVE in free enterprise and encouraging
individual initiative have brought this nation opportunity, economic
growth and prosperity.
• We BELIEVE government must practice fiscal
responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they
• We BELIEVE the proper role of government is to
provide for the people only those critical functions that cannot be
performed by individuals or private organizations, and that the best
government is that which governs least.
• We BELIEVE the most effective, responsible and
responsive government is government closest to the people.
• We BELIEVE Americans must retain the principles that
have made us strong while developing new and innovative ideas to meet
the challenges of changing times.
• We BELIEVE Americans value and should preserve our
national strength and pride while working to extend peace, freedom and
human rights throughout the world.
• FINALLY, We believe the Republican Party is the best
vehicle for translating these ideals into positive and successful
principles of government.
Carl Burton, President
Republicans of River City
Republicans and friends,
We invite you to review our site
and use it as a resource for all things Republican.
We strive to provide you with a
central location for information, education, and communication. Use
this as a starting point where you can get involved, have
interaction, and feel a sense of community with similar minded
Locate an event on our calendar,
or a link. Find something of interest to you and get involved.
Our goal is to help
YOU support
the best candidates for election to local, state and national
offices and assist elected republican officials in the execution of
their responsibilities.
Please feel free to use the
contact information listed on this website, contact me so that we
might answer your questions and serve you better.
Carl Burton, President