Republicans of River City
objectives are:
 | To be an effective Republican grass-roots
volunteer political organization. |
 | To be an influential political force for
constructive action to preserve and protect responsible government,
and to preserve honesty and integrity. |
 | To educate members and the public at large
through workshops, speakers and study groups regarding pending
legislation; regarding candidates for public office; and regarding
important issues of the day. |
 | To help Republican candidates through pre-primary
endorsement; by fund-raising and selective support; and by serving
as officers, members and leaders in other organizations. |
 | To increase Republican registration and voter
turn-out of all registered Republicans. |
 | To encourage qualified Republicans to seek public
office by assisting them to appear before groups to become
well-known and to become elected. |
 | To take part in local government and in precinct
organization. |
 | To promote unity, effectiveness and loyalty among
all Republican groups. |
If you would like to
help us fulfill our objectives and help the Republican team then please join us and
become a member TODAY.
Carl Burton, President
P.O. Box 1776
Carmichael, CA 95609-1776
Republican Phone Line (916) 485-5741
1st Vice President
Betty Axup, 2nd Vice President
(916) 483-8856
Membership Secretary
, Treasure
Richard Elgenheer, Director
, Director
, Director
Fred Hildebrand, Director
Patty Hildebrand, Director
Al Rogel, Director
, Director
Florin Ciuric, Associate Director
Associate Director
Robert Evans, Newsletter Editor
Paul Green, Jr, Immediate Past President